
This heart

Grieving this world in slow motion
The ring pull of my heart pulled back
Contents at risk
of being emptied
Poured out in desperation

Open raw to the wind
This mythic organ swirls and tumbles
Dives between tipping points
Beating in squirming longing
On the axis of a unified vision


Dream scape

I tied myself in knots
Caught in a maelstrom of clumsy thoughts
The headlines of other people’s ideas
merging with the unwieldy grammar of my oscillating beliefs

As sleep comes may I be gentle in my dreams 
Let the lucid self surge in an up swell of consciousness 
step towards gentleness
Take me on a tour of the milk beech wood
Swimming in deep caverns of compassion
until the tranquil dawn

In dream land the unknown shadow will reign 
Bubbling out of the cauldron of a boiling brain
Run riot, play and explore
Unbridled energy
Urgently you call from the loosened bonds of sleep
May this body decipher a lurid pattern of forgiveness 


Comfort and Joy

Let us
Knead love to the edges of our existence
Together become beings stretched
Striving for configurations of unity
A core pulsating to the outer limits
Where nothing rests

The abiding marrow still rich in nutrients
Origin of perpetual life
Love hewn from love then bonded new
Let us
live as though it were true
Rejoice in the luminous now
Rest in a kingdom of the eternal present
Amongst this new spaciousness
Find comfort in that elongated hum



I count your prayers

Weigh them

Pace the space where our dreams once were.


Walk the line of each other’s scars

Tread life into dead tissue.

I watch you

Loiter in the undergrowth

I wait for you

To stumble on my sting

The anger I am hiding in


Throw a back yard sale

Throw away the tattered 

Sell what we don't want

Refind buried treasure

The present is all we have

Dreams will come 

Once they grow large enough

Till then we tend our wounds

In love 



Paying  attention  to  light  again.  The  way  it  flows  and  sits,  plays  and  bathes,  always  present.

The  glare  of  lights  face  unsteady  into  fixed  into  loose  and  shimmering.  The  shapes  of  light,

stripped,  dappled  and  blocked.  Stabs  of  light,  portholes  of  light,  windows  to  other


What  of  the  light  in  me  that  needs  to  be  recognised,  needs  to  connect  with  the  light  in  the

world.  To  be  drawn  out.  To  find  in  bright  step  its  origin  and  fulfillment.  And  the  darkness

in  me  which  waits  in  emptiness  to  wrestle  me  down.

That  dance  of  light  and  dark  an  energetic  plume  of  mystery.  A  creative  force.


Silence together, something unnamed

something shared

Silence together, a distance undisturbed

or not tested

If we were able to hear every thought

What cacophony would we witness?

What disturbed and worried

flutters of thought

Too full
The call is too full
It fills up instantly

Everywhere is promising 

and Now

Brimming with yes

Body a quiet





To The Echelons Of Power

To the echelons of power, wherever you are
It is not too late to turn, please
play a different role
Another world is waiting to manifest

Wont you pacify the grotesque hubris which has you
funding private escape pods
destined for far off planets
What do you have to offer the mystery of space?
Except a profound disconnection with your origin and kin
The unfolding caverns of majesty require an imagination
one that goes beyond your sterile lunges for survival
You vampires of the common wealth
Do not build bunkers out of fear and petrol
Give to regeneration
Stop casting the most vulnerable as fodder
May the word collateral choke in your throats

What remains still extends grace towards you
Still the trees suffocated by indifference give oxygen
and the blessing of a raindrop on your skin is a whisper
Do not only hear a warning of scarcity and acid
In that whisper hear hope too
and turn
Join in and work for regeneration  


Victims of Power


Norwegian Voices


A writing collaboration and adventure by Harry Swordy and Tom Burgess