I have one poetry collection called 'Paint Yourself' and another 'Tangled Yet Coiled' both for sale from Arkbound. I have written a Novella titled 'A Universe Within' availble on Kindle. This blog also attempts to record the various contributions and collaborations I have got involved with over the years. I'm always open to other opportunities to create, particularly around the themes of human/more than human/the land and also mental health, contemplative Christianity and perennial spirituality.
I started writing this blog long before I summoned the courage
to describe myself as someone who writes, as a writer even. In that way it is historical as well as an outlet for my current work.
Some of my first dalliances with the art of capturing sensations and
ideas can be found here. Instead of cleaving myself from their lingering
shadow I have kept them, to underscore the very essence of this space. I use the
words ‘Loosening’ ‘Breaking’ and ‘Binding’ to try and communicate my intention
and commitment.
Loosening Breaking Binding
These three words echo the ancient Jewish Rabbi who would meet
with their peers to loosen and bind holy texts. Together they would open
their hearts and minds to the possibility of seeing things differently and then
bind new interpretations to how they lived. Through this practice they sought
to work out what it meant to turn words into a material reality in their communities.
I added an extra word, ‘Breaking’. Those moments of pain, doubt and friction
are vital in the re-imagining of ourselves and the world. Why should we rethink
our identity or existence? I do not argue that we must but only insist it is
woven into my own fabric just as deeply as my longing for solidity. I do not
want to protect myself from moments of fracture at the expense of not encountering
this life I find myself with.
All this sounds rather grand attached to my conjured poems
etc, the process I am championing is not the words, for they only trace a way
of being I am trying to absorb. Ironically a major theme of a lot of the work here is on entering places of presence, the present where thoughts often fade. This
space charts my ongoing effort to respond to the up-welling of wonder and
uncertainty that make up my existence.