


He has a heart of gold

Money has ruined him

He doesn’t know who to blame

Buckets of shame


The secrets of construction

Rush a broken heart

Place your hand in mine

Let me lead you to the temple of desire

Built to be destroyed

Then looted

Then replicated

Forever more


Block thoughts

Cubes of dissonance

He wants to be better

He wants to be fine as he is

The bricks and mortar of sound body and mind

Will never last


Your private bomb sanctuary

Is bright red


Toxic fury

Unwieldly brain

A fist of neurones and receptors


Uneven breath

Unkind words


Dust of a nation

Collapse and call us on

Primordial peace

The womb of a dove

Diminished by the dead


Still, going nowhere

Built not to last nor rot

Just be

Break bronze idols

Replace with robots


It does this

Violin strings flutter round the still centre of a single moment

The Irish flute patterns the air and my soul

Surges in the moonlight of deeper sound

I am thermal coasting on the spread shawl of music

What I long for unfolds before me and rushes ahead

The arrival turns to nostalgia

Then home

Then back again

In a tumbling spiral of desire

and complete presence