
The Butterboys


What is a Butterboy?

They are as hard as butter in Winter.

A human scale hardness

They feel themselves to be creative

Title not known

Night mist

Stone ruins bleak

Darkening heather

Dashes of white then a harbour of snow

A glib horizon 

Or is it me that makes it so

Or do I just happen to like the word?

Splash wet foot

Splash, mind soaked

Arriving again with the moor

From Moor to River

Have been served smears of snow 

On the leeside of the snaking walls

Or in pathside snatches

Or in a sheltered gap

Sunken low and still prominent 

My feet stepping and landing 

Between eternal darkness and blinding white 

A stark choice that only 

Movement can make sense of

When will I have time to regenerate

Who will guide me?

I notice the roots that lace the swollen river

The heron watching 

The catkin, birch and beech

Heart center outwardly pulses 

And meets the waiting world.

Sunken low and still prominent 

was the broken nose of Owen Wilson. 

Who in a bid to escape the wrath of John’s horse

Had been thwaked right on the sniffer

But class is permanent and he flourished even more

With acting possibilities enhanced a hundred fold. 

This gives rise to a cheeky proposal

Somehow, might it be good if all politicians were bloody nosed.


Not given them, but spontaneously bleeding out of their nostrils at random. 

Unbidden, often and mysteriously so

In the house of commons gently bleeding

Giving a speech, sometimes stopped by blood, uninvited.

This really could be good for the human psyche 

A focus on bodily fluids increasing relatability

Something shared shown.

Gouged spine, mole glove splayed

Sealed fate at the river

I take my breath and tell it slow

Sealed fate as the suns gone

I make my bed and it is so

Forgotten again the dreams of the night

Vivid hopes emerging from the dark recesses of my mind

A bag I drag behind me as I walk 

Where treasure also hides

There is no light without electricity 

Or am I mistaken?

I hope so.

I hope so

Uncle marge mistook the title for 

‘I hope fifty’

This happened to be her least favourite number

So she flipped out

I tried to say my esses are naturally fivey 

But she wouldn’t listen

By which time my tuna needed a stir or so

You decide

Pampered who?

Some stillness is 

Ceaselessly so, dark moving

Deep oranges rush the rocks

White crests the pathway, central mohawk guiding

in the dim light towards a shooting hall

One year, with no stags spotted 

and too early for grouse

The host permitted a slaughter of a ram

I am in the candy store 

But everything I buy 

turns to grit in my mouth

The host permitted a slaughter of a ram

“Why did you just say that Kim?”

“Oh no! What have I gone and said this time?”

“Well you are talking about slaughtering rams when we are here 

At the beauty parlor 

Getting our nails done” 

“Oh no! What am I like babes? 

I guess 

We will have to

Put up with me even if i do sometimes go off on a tangent babes”

Unable to find a title

Out the city 

Walking into a wild horizon

Be in

Be with

Bell the end

Of the ego

If you had to, what would you write in the dirt?

Or instead

Would you cut off your ear

And tread it in 


The truly new is sometimes an echo of the really old: timeless

The slushy track went on for what seemed

Many took to the side heathers as twas easier deemed

Darkening sky meant trackk to be stuckk

At last ebb to see the two halls 

What luck

Lighten my tunnel not my load 

Oh great Lordship

But give weight to my dreams

Not my load

Oh great Lordship

Lift my brain to its potential

Not my literal head you thicko

Who will do the remembering?

A smoken liquid

Delivers me breath

What breath 

has filled these stone

walls before us?

Only the stones know

Once mountains

Drowning in salt water

They keep on crumbling 

Smaller, as everything expands

Lost into grit, silt, salt on your tongue

All saying earth

doesn’t speak, does

But can’t listen


But won’t hear


But has not learned a thing from

the photo’s.

These lessons are hard won 

And easily lost

To look at photo’s is all:

Closetted Wilderness

Browned iron, lock, spat car fume

Owl, bird flight, sunken of rushing water

Metal stud, black snow, yacht club

Chicken wire thatch , hollow yawning barn hole

Warping slate, grass tuft

Later, and I fall in love again with dusk

Birds change their tune, alive with gentle chatter

It is a different song for lights fade

They bounce stories from the day between them

And we all settle in for the night

A night full of curiosity

Like all nights

Something to celebrated

Although we each protect our inner truth

from the wider focus of yorkshire and world beyond

Going in

Liquid metal spilling into the river

In time becoming a 

precious formed thing

A sacred thing.

That what is held, until taken

Exchange is flow

Is upwelling

A spring fills a pool

The pool empties

Never empty

I strip bare 

Beside its widest hiss

Jumbled light and water rushing

A pink white fuss

From the iron red rock leaching

I’m tense and I’m in

Likely never titled

Gaze whilst pausing

Wet path, seam of light

Leading somewhere connected

Still with this place we dance over glacial drifts

Undulating in mood with the acid peat

A rocky ascent onto wet moorland soil

All of us steeped in ancient ordinary

Heather bound we are betwixed in this place


Bounty, Mars

Double Decker

A whisper that one day

Our granular knowledge of the inside of a chocolate bar

Might extend to the ground we tread

It seems life is carrying on

Love in the time of early death

Frozen slabs of once alive meat

When winter closed in hard and early

All the lambs died and so did I

Swollen with guilt

The only mercy I have is for the land

That has witnessed it.

There are very few things

that make sense forever

It is forever and we see the length of that

As one instant refusing 

to reticulate

Any thought, utterance, moment, instinct

Into past, present, future

(then) > (now) > (then)

And see it as one 




Diary of a Butterboy

Smells and stains cover me

There is a great mystery to some of them

Others are familiar

Most though are harder to rememememember

Even with a 

Googoogoogoood wind behind ya’ll

That’s mess 

That’s hardship

That’s indifference

Fun though should stop on the other hand when the gambling lambs stop

Tuesday always needs a cheeky mint in othering news

Wednesday skins its knee but huffs the ouch inwards

Like an old child

Thursday is a downwards sloping path off the hillside 

Into the Time Cafe

Clocks adorn, all large above the stalactites 

Like treacle stuck teeth

A closing mouth above the remains of wolverines.

Friday is a ball ache again

Despite the width of vision I was blessed with last weekend

You just can’t change some things like…

It is not all about winning

… it is the taking part.