What remains is a voice that was always there.
A nothing that needs not
a filling or stilted explanation.
Less thinking, mind sinking into a wider field of being.
A silenced sentience this lovely loosening
All is hungry
Yet woods beckon
The track winds to its end.
Sun on skin, back on
Back gone.
No path now,
just the quite tread
of a new slower rhythm.
Desire changes its intensity, here drink
Anxiety stilled, no rush to remain quenched
No straining to hear the only sound that is.
Drenched in oneness
immerse into tune green and sunlight
the dance of dust pulses, sways with heat
filling lungs and senses.
Each step a deepening, bodily tingling of peace
and pleasure now entwined, indistinguishable
flung with time on air
Dissolving walks of ecstasy
Fling into surrender.