
A Knowing Valley

Auditory map making

Places me present

The fanfare chatter of the river

Doesn’t speak any language of mine

Yet such a deep time chant

and chuckle

Jostles the particles in my body

I bristle and unfurl

All the same


Clatter of water against the bank

A reclining tree splits waters passage

Boulder after boulder

The scattered flanks of ancient drama

Insist on silence


Blues and whites dash the light

Shallow parts in constant chase

Persistent purity cleanses my withered brain

As the depth of the bend slows the flow

So too does the pace of my heart


Tidal wave of trees

Green life surges my senses

A connected wall of life

Held by insistent roots

The unseen landscape

Below the ground

All symbiosis and open mouthed kissing

Until it reaches cold rhyolite which hums

The same tune

Only at a slower rate


Wondrously, water reflects light

Animates matter

All things imbued

this valley sings with a rush

A place of slow ways

and tired work

dignity, purpose and beauty entwined

Now ready for change


Oaken moss meets my mouth

as I suck like I did the sponge in the bath of my youth

Birch trees bend sexy in sun

I walk up

Once wooded hills

Saxifrage breaks the stone of my heart

And I remember who I am