The desperate end of an era
The glorious lifestyle
Stayed just a while
But what changes
no physical metamorphosis
no, because
those people keep on marching
To where?
and to what beat?
Such persistence
Oh you dirty tired feet.
Forgetfulness, distance and time
Weapons wielded by tiny angry horizons
By perverted priorities and misplaced trust
Friendships get old, friendships can rust
Forgetfulness, distance and time
Weapons we wear
Weapons that wear us down
In our lonely fight
Society’s products, its jobs
And dam ’dare’ priorities
Sanding down the edges of meaning
Drying out the wells, the memory wells
Crushing once proud now flaccid dreams
For many
A lifestyle just lived for a while
Fuzzy memories on a discarded pile
For many
But for me
These weapons I’ll defy
In people I’ll invest
and hope I’ll rely
Please then please
Please reply
As we hope
Smashing those sticky mirrors
To partake in the positive
Plumb for potential
Pursue people
Promote peace
And live a glorious lifestlye
And live.